Odessa 的信

Dearest Yunli:

This year marks the 3rd year of your anniversary. I remember getting the phone call from your father telling me you had passed away. I could not believe it. I remember getting off the phone and crying. I called my mom at work and cried to her. My heart was broken  because my good friend had left this world and there was nothing  I could do about it. Yunli, I want to thank you for being such a good friend to me. I think about our time together at Middlesex County College during summer school, when we took organic chemistry. Organic chemistry was a challenging course for me, but you always encouraged me and told me that I can do it, and I did. I think about how we played tennis together and you had a hard time with hitting the ball, but the longer we played the better you became. I also remember us eating together and studying together. I loved our time on the phone, when we would sit and talk for awhile about whatever. Even when I moved back to California, we sat on the phone and would talk about life.

I remember when you shared with me you had cancer. I was so concerned for you and scared, yet you reassured me that you will be just fine. Yunli, your patience, kindness, beauty, warmth, and purity are all characteristics that drew me to you. My heart is still broken because everyday I miss you. Thank you so much for giving me your lovely parents to be my second set of parents. I absolutely love them. Now since they are my parents also, that means you are my sister. Actually, you were my sister a long time ago. I will take care of our parents, don’t worry. I wish with all my heart you were here. I don’t understand why God took you so young, but I could only imagine he needed you (because your heart is so pure) for something much greater than us. As I write this, I am filled with sadness because I miss you so much. Sister, I love you and I know you love me.

I think of you always and I take you with me where ever I go. I hope in this life I make you proud because you have made me proud to have known you. My life is much better today because you were in it. I miss you so much but I know you are always with me.

Big hugs and kisses!!!!

Love,your big sister forever,


March   20/2008  






记得2003年暑假,我们一起在Middlesex County College学习有机化学课程的情景。有机化学是一项富有挑战性的课程,对于我来说,很难,很多内容我都无法理解和消化。可你总是鼓励我:只要努力,就能成功。课后,你不厌其烦地把书上的内容讲解给我听,我照着你说的去做,渐渐地有所领悟并通过了这门课的考试。那段时间里,我们除了在一起学习,还在一起打网球,你接发球有困难,我就指导你如何接球与发球,后来我们愈打愈好,你也成功了。记得我们还利用午休的时候去快餐店吃Pizza。为时两个月的暑假,我们在一起学习,在一起打球,在一起聊天。尽管我们不同种族,但英文使我们彼此沟通,我们成了无话不谈的好朋友。暑假结束后,我和父母搬到加利福尼亚,此后,我们仍坚持用电话交流。记得2004年夏天,你告诉我你被检查出患有肿瘤。当时,我非常担心你害怕,我跟你说,不用担心,你会万事大吉的。谁知道,最后听到的是这样一个我最不愿听到的消息……。我不明白为什么神在你这么年轻的时候就把你带走?但我只能想象他需要你,因为你是那么纯洁和善良。




